Friday, May 6, 2011

BLOG 2: Collaboration

What are reasons scientists work together?  Give an example of how scientists work together.

* Remember do NOT submit your last name with your post.


  1. Scientist work together to help fix the problem and find the soultution.Together they can put all of their inforomation together to find the soultution. Like in NASA their are 5 scientist and they each researched a diffrent part together they find the soulution yay.

  2. bethany 1st periodMay 6, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    One reason scientists work together is that, if one scientist gets one piece of data and a few others get the same data.Then the scientists figure out what they did wrong. thats my reson and example all in one! :)

  3. They work together because the more hands they have to help the easier it would be. If one scientist were reaserching it would take forever and he would have no one to compare with

  4. alicia 1st periodMay 6, 2011 at 10:02 AM

    One reason why scientists work together is because if they are working in a group they can share information/data. Also, so that way if someone in their group did something wrong they can tell them and help them figure out what they did wrong. That is my reason why scientists work together.

  5. Scientist of all kind work together. They compare and contrast their ideas to make one big experiment. If some scientist think something, and some other scientist think another then theyh work together to solve it. Palentoligists work together all the time.They help each other find fossils and help put together a skeleton of some kind.

  6. Scientists work together so that they can get the same amount, or more information in a smaller period of time. For example, one scientist might find the temperature of something and another scientist might find some other data of that object such as the item's mass or gravitational pull. When they do both these things at the same time more information is gathered in a shorter period of time. The more people work together the less work there really seems to be done.

  7. This is such a fun project

  8. To share information,give their thoughts of what they think. Remember every one has a different opinion of different topics. When people work together, You might learn something new. My example is: Alien Rescue

  9. Scientist work together by solving problems and find a solution. An ex. is 3 scientist figuring out the types of matter but one is stuck on liquid so he asks solid for help and by using his information he can solve his problem.

  10. they work together to collect info and find a solution on what ever they are trying to find out

  11. Scientists work together because if one dude has a certian piece of information, and another has a different peice of information, when the info is put together it may form a solution. I like to think of it like puzzle pieces being placed together to see the whole picture in the end...

  12. Scientists work together, because if each scientist researches a different piece of information for an experiment, they can eventually put the information all together and figure out a solution for the problem. An example of this is that in Alien Rescue the "scientists" in my group each are researching different pieces of infromation so we can use that information to find new homes for all of the aliens.

  13. Scientists work together so they can get things done faster and so that all the information can be gathered more quickly, and so they can help the aliens get a new home.

  14. They work together because they can get more done and better.If all the scientists work together they could get better results than if they worked alone than together.More scientist that work on saving the aliens the better.An exsample is all the scientist (Albert Einstein helped)that worked together to make the atomic bomb.

  15. Scientists work together because then they dont have to do all the work. They spit it up and learn the information the others researched by sharing information. It is easier that way and takes less time. For example, in each alien resuce group, each "scientist" researches a different planet.

  16. Scientists work together to reduce redundancy and increase efficiency when solving problems. For example, Alien Rescue scientists work together and pool information and resources instead of snding probes to every object in the solar system.

  17. scientists work together to save money and recources. They can each do a part of solving the problem and then put their knowledge together to solve the problem.

  18. Scientist collaborate so that they can share each other's information. This helps because if scientits did not collaborate, they would all have to do the same experiment. For example, if a scientist sent a probe to Mercury to learn about its chemical composition, and another scientist wanted that data, that scientist would have to waste money and send another probe to Mercury. However, if the scientists collaborated, then they would only have to send one probe. The more that scientists collaborate, the more money we save.

  19. cause they have stations for people to work at like one works on the cimicals, and the other tested the cimicals

  20. Scientists work and collaborate together to find out unknown factors in an experiment. Also, they can use collaboration to confirm hypothesises and ther facts. Basically, they can compare and contrast. Scientists might divide information needed in an experiment in to equal parts and research their selected information. Then, they can share the information to save time. For instance, in "Alien Rescue" there are some scientists, and they all have to research their own planet. Then, they collaborate and share info to decide which aliens will go where.

  21. Scientist work together so they can put all their information together. Instead of one scientist doing all the work a lot of scientist can do little work and share the information they found to each other. For example, Alien Rescue, each person finds a peice of information and we all share it.

  22. Scientists work together because of various different reasons. For one thing, scientists all have different opinions and ideas so they can make a product. Another thing is that they can split the information and reaserch between eachother.

  23. Scientists work together so that they can collaborate the data, and compare results. It takes less time overall to do it this way. Scientists work together so that they can compare results for the best airtight spaceship so that we can be in outer space for long times while staying alive (Just like in Alien Rescue).

  24. Scientist work together because different people think different ways. one scientist might think of part of an answer and another might think of the other part. for example scientist 1 might think of answer part a. Scientist 2 might think of answer part b. then more scientist might figure out more answer parts.

  25. I think scientists should work together because it can make the work go faster, as they can collaberate and connect the information together in the end. It also allows studies that take more than one person to do.



  26. Scientists work togetgher so they can combine all their information and find the answer quicker. If you put all your information together, its like putting all the pieces in a puzzle together. Also when you collaborate you can save money, time, and resources.

  27. I think scientists work together so they can expande their knowledge and solve more problems. For example if 1 scientist had half of the answer to a problem and another had the other half if they share information they could come up with the answer faster.

  28. Scientists' have to work together so they won't for one sspend a bunch of time researching the same exact thing. Also so they wont both spend a bunch of money to send probes to the same exact planet or moon or place.

  29. Scientists work together because they are trying to solve a problem faster. There could be 7 scientists,they could all do something different. After they all finish their research, they could compare and contrast answeres to solve the problem.

  30. Scientists work together, so they can have more than two hands helping. It is also faster because one person can get part 1 of the information and the other person can find part 2. Then they can compare and contrast. Plus it is just more fun with more than one!

  31. I for one personally think that scientists should work together so that they can gather data much faster, which allows them to benefit the world at a quicker pace, gives other scientists an idea of what needs to be researched, and leaves information for future scientists to expand.

  32. If scientists work together they can combine each others ideas to create a great one or to answer a question. Also you wont have to go back and forth doing things, therefore saving time. They can also share diffenrent ideas that may give another person another idea. I think in general more than one scientist working together is better, than just one. Example: an example is when more than one scientist, lets say 5 can work faster and better in order to solve a big problem.

  33. i think that scientists work together because they all get info and can share with the other scientists and puzzle it all together and come out with a more accurate conclusion instead of one scientist working by themselves and missing a piece of information

  34. scientis work together by sharing information to help figure out information the whole team can use. for example if a scientist needs to find information about the moon,and another scientist has already studied the moon, they can share info to help the group out.

  35. Scientists work together so that they can can share the data that they gather, can share opionions and split the work. Not every person can gather all the data because they might miss some but with a gruop its most likely a person will find the data. Another reason is not everybody is right all the time an with a group people have different opionions. The last reason is you don't have to do all the work by yourself with a group you can split the work.

  36. Well, they don't just do it for one reason, they do it for multiple. For example, if one scientist was searching a 5 foot 500 pound meteor, every single atom, it would take him a lifetime to find 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms morphed together. But if they chipped off pieces for 50 scientist, it make take only a couple of months. And for another reason, lets say a scientist was trying to create a hydrogen (water) power car. What if he was unsure how to seperate the oxygen atoms from the hydrogen(hydrogen is very flammable)? Well, another scientist would be there to help him out.

  37. Scientist work together so that they can can come up with a better ideas than they would separatly. Together they can solve a problem or make a conclusion. Scientists do this to speed up the process and this makes solving the problem much more effecient.

  38. Scientists work together because they are going to try and solve a problem faster and more efficient. So instead of one scientist trying to do everything at once and take a long time. Or 5 scientists could each do one thing and solve the problem 5 times quicker than one. Also if one scientist got something wrong there would be other scientist to correct them. But if you had one scientist they wouldnt know if they were wrong or wrirte.

  39. I think scientists work together so they can share information and recources. An example of that is NASA. Say they want to find out if (for example) Io has a magnetic field so they can see if it's livable. Then they apply for the funds to send a probe and are denied. They see that (for example)China sent a probe that reached Io a few weeks ago. They ask China to tell them if there is a magnetic, in exchange for info China has been needing. Now everyone has the info they need and both have saved money.

  40. Scientists work together so that if one scientist works with one or more other scientist and one person doesn't have the answer to something then they canwork together a come up with more answers quicker and they can solve the problem more efectively too.

  41. Scientist work together to help each other meet a common goal. It makes everything a lot faster and easyer. For example if you are trying to find out what is needed for a new invention or something, some people can find possible materials while others put them to the test. Another reason scientists share information is so that if you know one part of a thing, but don't know the rest, another person might have what you are missing but not what you have. In Alien Rescue, we are the scientists and we are working together to find these aliens new homes where they can live.

  42. Scientists collaborate for a few reasons. If they are doing an experiment, they would want to make sure thier data is acurate. When scientists are conducting experiments, they share their own data and opinions on how the experiments hypothesis turned out. If the majority of the group had one outcome and the rest of the group had a couple others, you know most likely the majority of the group is correct. In alien rescue we are collaborating our information to help determine where the aliens could possibly live based on their life conditions. If we are all working on different things at once, it will go a whole lot faster and we will reach our goal of finding them a home quicker.

  43. Scientists work together so it would be faster and come up with better ideas than they would do on there own. If they do it in a group they could do it maybe twice as fast. They speed it up way faster together. If 1 scientest got one part wrong the others could correct him/her. If it was just one it would be alot slower.

  44. Scientists work together to gather, share, and compare data. They can solve a problem a lot faster in a group them by them self’s. In a group you can also compare hypothesis and the data you found. That could help you get a more accurate answer. Also with multiple scientists one can correct any mistakes that another scientist made. So when scientist work together they get more accurate answers and they solve the problem more efficient.

  45. the scientist work together to find out about the aliens and how we can help them mabey the scientist are afraid that the aliens are dedly

  46. Scientist work together so that all the work gets done. If one scientist does question 1 and four others do question 1 then you get no where. Also if they dont work together than they have to keep going back and forth.

  47. Scientists work together so that the work can get done and it gets done faster. If they don't work together, they won't get work done and get many diffrent answers.

  48. Scientists work together and splitmthe work up so they can all get done quicker.

  49. Scientists work together to make more expirements, give more ideas to other scientists and help each other with expirements.

  50. Scientist work together to find out about things. for example, if scientist are trying to find ut about a star one will research revelotion time and another will research its gravity, or path it takes. Rayne ;p

  51. they work together to figer and how they shout what they should to do and when they should do it

  52. i think scientist work together so the work can go faster. so their are more heads working together.

  53. scientist should work together so they can get information from on to the other. also so they can look for one thing that diffrent and get work done faster. and if one knows another thing the other doesnt they can answer eachothers questions they have.

  54. Scientists work together so they can compare research to find out the real info about the problem. An example is to compare observations and find out the real info

  55. so that they can collect more data more quickly.
    if there is only one person working on a huge project it would take a long time. but with a ton of people it dosnt take very long....

  56. scientists work together to share info, hypothesis' and solutions so technology moves faster. Scientists work together by sharing information and hypothesis like our group finding info about the planets.

  57. Scientists work together for many reasons:
    1. Share information- If they share their findings scientists can add on to that or see that someone researched that and research something else.
    2. Save money- If they all send a probe to Mars their spending alot of money for the same information.
    3. Save time- If they send different probes to different planets they can find out a ton of information alot quicker.

  58. Collaboration offers many benefits. Some are that you can pool your money to conduct a single expiriment when none of your team have raised enough to conduct an individual attempt. Another way it will improve results of your efforts is that you can check with others to see if your data matches. If it does, then you have a better chance that you conducted the expiriment correctly.

  59. I think scientists should work together because they could save a lot of money. For example, in a few years from now, if a scientist sent a rocket to Jupiter to research and another scientist wanted to know the same thing, they can't afford to send 2 rockets. So, they must collaborate to know about that stuff. If scientists collaborate they can save money.

  60. sientits work together to help and find out what to do whith a experiment and to help each other

  61. One of the reasons scientists work together, is because if one of them find some information and a different one finds other, but they are different, they will work together to find the right solution.

  62. One reason is to save money. It cost a lot to launch a probe into space, so the scientist can share their info to save money in their small budget. Also for very complex project like the space shuttle its too much for one scientist to do the whole thing, so lots and lots of scientist worked on the shuttle.

  63. Scientist work together so they can get the work done faster.If 1 scientist studies one topic then shares the infomation with eachother they each will know the infomation twice as fast. If they don't work together they each will have to do way more work.

  64. Scientist work together to get more work done and get it done much faster. For example, one scientist could be reaserching one could be typing and another could write down all the information.

  65. Scientist work together because some ideas are better than others. Scientits veto others ideas

  66. Scientist work together to get work done faster and to get more stuff done.Also if one scientist makes a mistake and nobody is there to correct the mistake a whole project could be ruined.

  67. I think scientists work together so that they can gather more information in a smaller amount of time, and so that they can share information with each other and learn new things.

  68. Scientists work together because when they work together the information is found faster and their is more perspectives on the different anwsers.Another reason its a good idea to work together is because if everyone is doing the same task them they will all save money on the project:)

  69. Scientists work together because they than get information done faster, and they can save money. When they work together the scientists can each do somrthing different and then they can share thier information with eachother instead of everybody having to do everything. It can save money too! For example if two scinetists wanted to know something about Neptune then maybe they would both send probes when they could of worked together and only sent one they would save a lot of money only sending one!

  70. Scientist work toghether because... they find a easier,better,and probably more accurate soulution or awnser.When you mix the knowledge of two people its more likely to have more information. So when you work toghether. You can seperate work on diffrent things. There for working "toghether" can mean working on the same subject diffrent ideas. Its just an easier way to get things done, and will have less to work.

  71. scientist work together to get things dfone faster and to learn off one another. if they didnt work together then it would take a lomg time and they might not learn things like they could if thet work toghter. that is my sentence thanks for whaching

  72. Scientists work together to work faster. they work yogether so they can share work. they can do two things at once. Scientists work together on the I.S.S. to repair things that break and conduct experiments

  73. They work together because they cando a project faster and with more information. A example is like when two scientists are working on the same project, if they do it together they can get it done faster.

  74. Andrew the evil unicornMay 12, 2011 at 1:22 PM

    They work together because if one dude has a certian piece of information, and another has a different peice of information, when the info is put together it may form a solution. I like to think of it like puzzle pieces being placed together to see the whole picture in the end...

  75. Scientists work together because each and every one of them can get one piece of information and they can put it all together and figure out more info about Aliens and compare answers to find out a better solutions to help Aliens. Also they can save alot of money if each scientist makes on big probe by giving some money or start a fundraiser. :)

  76. A reason scientists work together is that if an experiment is REALLY big, then it might be too much for just 1 scientist to handle, so he would ask a fellow scientist who needed to work on that experiment and split the work 50/50 so that they can finish it in say half the time, thus making the work easier.

  77. Scientists collaborate because they don't want to look stupid if they are the only ones that come to the wrong conclusion. Also, if there are more than one point of views, then together, it would be easier to come to the correct conclusion. An example of this is if we are trying to find a probe to go to Pluto, then one scientist could have one idea and another could have a different idea and when you use some ideas from each point of view, you can come up with a better idea than either one of the scientists could have come up with by themselves. We are collaborating in the alien rescue so it will be easier to find a good home for the Aliens.

  78. because there is no such thing as a 1 man army in science. If something goes wrong or something falls ect... thair should be some one els thair to at least assist you in what ever your doing.

  79. When scientist work together it really helps the work get done faster. It can also help save money. Having 2 brains work together will get 2 opinions and they may also know different information. For example if 2 scientists wanted to find out about an animal they could work together. One scientist could find out about the outer features the second could research the inner features.

  80. Scientist work togther because then they can get information done faster.It can also help by splitting up the work evenly and they can check their answers form other scientist who did the same thing.And they compare their info for the future.

  81. Sientists must work together to share info to formulate ideas. It accelerates the time and shortesns the amount needed for resarch. They need to help each other.

  82. I think scientists work together because they each have a different perspective, one might have a totally different idea and the rest might not have thought of it. The scientists also will help out eachother if an experiment needs more than one person.

  83. Scientist work together because each of them have a different idea.They could also help them get the research faster.

  84. Because two mines are better than one and thay can get more done to gether than one can get done bye his selfe.

    Ex:Doing a exparement.

  85. where helping the aliens get new homes

  86. they have a place for testing cemicals and 2 people test to see if it is stabal

  87. they work together so they can multitask. ex: scientist 1 does work with tubes while scientist 2 records what happens :)

  88. Scientists Work Together Because When people are all on the same project then the work will get done faster. another reason is because since they have all different opinions then they can probaly discover more than they need to which is a good thing for everyone!:)

  89. they work together such as by multitasking ex- scientist 1 works out side while one works inside the space ship

  90. scientist work togeather to find the aliens homes

  91. i think they NEED TO WORK TOGETHER because there are alot of dangers and easyer to work together.

  92. Scientists work together because they need to do many things to help each other. One example is a science expierament when they work on things to get an awnser.

  93. Two (or more) is better than one!

    Scientists work together because they have different opinions that can help each other and gets work done faster.
    Example: Our group members help each other for alien rescue.

  94. they soport each other in many ways tow is better than one.

  95. they share data with each other and experiment on rock samples.

  96. To make sure they have all information that they need to start an assignment to make sure it is right.

  97. scientist work together to get work done faster and easier.So if it is hard on a question they can use teamwork to get it right.

  98. To reasearch in different groups so all of the reasearching isn't on one person

  99. they work together and first come up with a hypothisis. then they test it by researching and test the hypothisis, then they come up with a conclusion and start on a new hypothesis.

  100. the reason why scientists work together is because while one person is testing the other perso could be doing something else with the project.This way they can get stuff done alot quicker.

  101. Scientists work togother by testing different experiments on one thing and thinking togother on what may happen like make an hipothissis with both of their knowledge togother

  102. Scientest have to work together so they can get more work done. If they didn't work together it would take forever to get work done. Like if they reasearch a topic if it was one person it would take forever.

  103. They get an idea and they test it as a group to find the correct sum.

  104. They work together because they need to work together as the team and acomplish their questions, Seth. ;)

  105. Becuse so they can work togther and share results and how they make things that can help the earth to be more better. They made the rocket that helped the first man on the moon.

  106. i agree with tia because each scientist have different answers and infomation to share to each other

  107. SCientist work together because each of the scientist may have different opions about there expirements . They also use multiple scientist because to get things done faster.

  108. scientist work together because they know diffrent things about same idea and working on stuff together they will do it faster

  109. I think scientists work together to get better awnsers and get them done faster

  110. scientist work togeather to find information for what they have discovered.then they have to share information to see witch peice of in formation is reasonable.

  111. because two people are better than 1 person. and they can get a lot more done.

  112. Scientist work together to help fix the problem and find the soultution. they can put all of their inforomation together to find the soultution. Like in NASA their are 5 scientist and they each researched a diffrent part t they can find he soulution

  113. Scientist work together to help fix the problem and find the solution.Together they can put all of their inforomation together to find the soultution. They all work on diffeent things and combine it.

  114. Scientist work togthere to get thier work done faster.So, they must collaborate to know about that stuff. If scientists collaborate they can save money. If they don't work together they each will have to do way more work.

  115. Scientists work together because if they didn't they could all be researching and getting answers about the same subject. Doing that also wastes money. An example of scientists working together is when they find a new species and they work together to figure out what it is.

  116. scientists work together to ghet better info or to debate which idea is more practical. But they might have a serten dead line and may put thier info together make it faster to finish expeiriment.

  117. if sciecnetist help each other they can get work done faster or find stuff faster if they need help

  118. Scientits need to collect data from each other. They NEED to work together to get work done faster.

  119. scientists work together so when earth is in trouble the aleins can help us like we helped them.

  120. Scientists work together to get stuff done and Scientists work together because they can debate on the experiment.

  121. they work together because sometimes dont know things so they ask each other questions about it.

  122. Scientists work together so that they can solve problems eaisier and more efficiently. If scientists did not work together we would not have some of the inventions that we have today. The airplane is an example.

  123. They work together so they can get the job done faster and so one person doesn't have to do all the work.

  124. scientists collaborate to share ideas

  125. Scientist work together so they can compare, check, or share their answers. Also so they don't waste a lot of money or time. Sometimes they also work together so one thing is experimented or made more than once. An example of when scientist work together is say when they are going to study a new plant life but don't have enough money but there is other scientist who have found the information they are looking for. When this happens they can start working together to find the rest of the information this way they won't waste money or time & they can share or compare answers.

  126. scientists work together to help one another with mistakes they've made. If someone over looks something then his/her partner (Scientist) Might see the error and correct it. It also gets work done faster.

  127. Scientist work together so they can gather MORE data. They can research diffrent stuff and it will take less time. Also with two people, they might know diffrent `back ground knowledge` that could make a better awnser or easier to find, or easier to solve.

  128. scientists work togeather to gather more info, and work more eficently.They can get mor accomplished when they work togeather they can get more done.If you have wrong info but other scientists do then they can help . You can also find something out you never knew if there is more info and people.
